Cowboys And Aliens

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, (the mid nineties) Scott Rosenberg had just sold Malibu to Marvel and as Platinum Studios, he was flush with cash. With Ervin Rustemagić, founder of Strip Art Features in Sarajevo, he gotten hold of the rights to the Italian comic book Tex, a western comic book that was basically… a really good Western. His people were having trouble selling it as a movie, because, that’s basically what it was. A good Western. Why extra pay for the rights to a good Western when you could just make… a good Western?

So Greg Noveck (later to work for DC on films like Red, and now at Syfy Films) suggested a title. Cowboys And Aliens. And was asked to work it up.

With Paul Benjamin, the pair created five drawings and a bunch of character designs and details. With William Morris representing them, they got a cover image in Variety, the image of a cowboy on his horse with a large space ship overhead. The story in the magazine reported that this was an upcoming comic-turning-into-a-movie, but there was never any comic. That was just part of the pitch...!

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